Death By Numbers

"Death by Numbers" is a short horror film produced by LUMA (La Trobe University Museum of Art) in partnership with Darebin Youth Services and Banyule Community Health. The film was shot on location at La Trobe University, using the artworks on display as a backdrop.

The film was written, shot, performed, and edited by a group of talented adolescents from Banyule Community Health and Darebin Youth Services, with guidance from three artists from Black Hole Theatre.

In the film, six bodies are found lying on the floor of a gallery. One by one, they wake up and are drawn into terrifying fates. Only one of them manages to survive. Why did they survive? Who are they? Find out in six chilling minutes.

Special thanks to Anita La Pietra and Vincent Alessi from La Trobe Museum of Art, Jacqui Faliszewski from Darebin Youth Services, Jane Casey from Banyule Community Health, Nikki Bushby, and the La Trobe Media Department. The DVD design was created by Nicole Dominic.

For more information about "Death by Numbers," visit the Black Hole Theatre website

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